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London Chinatown Restaurant

+44 20 7437 3186
27 Gerrard StLondonW1D 6JN United Kingdom
Open Today: 11:50 AM - 11:30 PM


  • Great tea selection
  • Wheelchair-accessible car park
  • Wheelchair-accessible seating
  • Casual
  • Groups
  • NFC mobile payments
Dining options
  • Dessert
Health and safety
  • Staff required to disinfect surfaces between visits
  • Accepts reservations
Service options
  • Takeaway
  • Dine-in
  • Delivery
  • Vegetarian options
  • Alcohol
  • Quick bite
  • Late-night food
  • Good for kids

Best ParaHarita Reviews

Scam in Chinatown
Wir sind nach Chinatown gefahren weil wir Lust auf asiatisches Essen hatten.
Dieses Restaurant hat auf den ersten Blick kein schlechten Eindruck gemacht.
Wir haben sehr schnell ein Tisch bekommen.
Die Karten lagen bereits auf dem Tisch.
Es waren dreckige zusammengehäftete DIN A4 Blätter.
Die Kellner waren sofort an unserem Tisch und wollten uns zu einer Bestellung drängen.
Nachdem wir bestellt hatten war das Essen relativ schnell an unserem Platz.
Das Essen wurde uns einfach auf den Tisch geknallt ohne Aussage was überhaupt serviert wird.
Die Teller waren bereits auf dem Tisch.
Die Teller mit dem Essen wurde einfach in die Mitte gestapelt, der Platz hat allerdings nicht ausgereicht, da unser Tisch nicht für sechs Personen ausgelegt war.
Wir hatten eine Platte mit mehreren Gerichten für vier Personen.
Zwei unserer Begleiter hatten jeweils Portionen für eine Person.
Die Portionsgrößen für vier Portionen waren nahezu Identisch wie die für eine Portion.
Die Größe der Gerichten glichen nichtmal Kinderportionen.
Das Essen für sechs Personen kostete 200£ , was für die Menge in keiner Weise gerechtfertigt war, was dem ganzen Restaurantbesuch einen schlechten Nachgeschmack gab. Lieber hätten wir das Geld verbannt, dann hätten wir wenigstens Wärme davon gehabt.
Fazit: Der Preis der Gerichte, die Größe der Portionen und der Service des Personals ist in keiner Weiße angemessen.
Wer auf kleine Portionen, mittelmäßiges Essen und überteuerte Gerichte steht kommt hier voll auf seine Kosten.
Scam in Chinatown
We went to Chinatown because we wanted Asian food.
This restaurant did not make a bad impression at first glance.
We got a table very quickly.
The cards were already on the table.
They were dirty merged DIN A4 leaves.
The waiters were immediately at our table and wanted to urge us to place an order.
After we ordered, the food was in our place relatively quickly.
The food was simply popped on our table without telling what is served at all.
The plates were already on the table.
The plates with the food were simply stacked in the centre, but the space was not enough, as our table was not designed for six people.
We had a plate with several dishes for four people.
Two of our companions each had portions for one person.
The portion sizes for four portions were almost identical to those for one portion.
The size of the dishes did not even resemble children's portions.
The food for six people cost £200, which was in no way justified for the amount, which gave the whole restaurant visit a bad aftertaste. We would have preferred to banish the money, then we would at least have had warmth from it.
Conclusion: The price of the dishes, the size of the portions and the service of the staff is not reasonable in any way.
If you like small portions, mediocre food and overpriced dishes, you will get your money's worth here.
Es war sauber. Allerdings war das Schweinefleisch paniert und hat nach nichts geschmeckt. Das Hähnchen war auch sehr trocken. Das alles fritiert ist stand nicht dabei. Personal freundlich allerdings etwas wortkark.
Absolute Abzocke. Bleibt fern von dem Laden und geht woanders essen!
Sehr gutes Essen allerdings teuer aber das ist London
13 Pfund für eine kleine Portion Reis.
Absolute Abzocke!!!
Interessanter Ort, essen würde ich aber eher nicht hier.
Sehr sauberes Lokal, sehr gute Speisen.
Habe mehr erwartet. Das Essen war nicht mein Geschmack um meine Ente war schwer zu essen, da viele Knochen im Fleisch waren.

Quick Facts About London Chinatown Restaurant

1. Quick seating: One of the positive aspects mentioned by a customer is that they were able to get a table quickly. This indicates that the restaurant has efficient seating management, allowing them to accommodate customers promptly.
2. Cleanliness: Another strength mentioned is that the restaurant was clean. Cleanliness is an essential factor in any dining establishment, as it contributes to a positive dining experience and helps ensure hygiene standards.
3. Friendly staff: Despite some negative comments about the service, one positive remark was about the friendliness of the staff. Friendly staff can enhance the overall dining experience and create a welcoming atmosphere for customers.
4. Interesting location: One customer found the location of the restaurant interesting. Being situated in London's Chinatown can attract tourists and customers interested in experiencing authentic Asian cuisine.
1. Poorly presented menu: The use of dirty, merged DIN A4 leaves as menus is a significant weakness. This gives a negative impression of the restaurant's attention to detail and professionalism. Upgrading to clean, professional menus can greatly enhance the dining experience.
2. Rushed service: Customers mentioned that the waiters were eager to take orders, providing a sense of being rushed. This can create a stressful atmosphere and detract from the overall dining experience. It is important for the staff to find a balance between attentive service and allowing customers enough time to comfortably place their orders.
3. Inadequate portion sizes: Several customers complained about the small portion sizes, especially considering the high prices. This is a significant weakness as it indicates poor value for money. Offering larger portion sizes or adjusting prices accordingly could improve customer satisfaction in this area.
4. Lack of menu descriptions: Another weakness mentioned is that the food was served without any explanation of what was being served. This lack of communication can be disappointing for customers who want to know what they are eating. Providing detailed descriptions of the dishes being served can enhance the dining experience and help customers make informed choices.
5. Overpriced items: Multiple customers expressed disappointment with the high prices in the restaurant. While one comment mentioned that London generally has higher prices, it is crucial to ensure that the food and portion sizes justify the cost. Charging exorbitant prices without delivering value can result in a poor reputation and a lack of repeat customers.
6. Inconsistent food quality: Some customers mentioned that the food was not up to their taste or expectations. Complaints about paniertes Schweinefleisch (breaded pork) and dry chicken indicate inconsistencies in food preparation and quality control. Ensuring consistent taste and quality of dishes is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction.
In conclusion, while the London Chinatown Restaurant has some strengths such as quick seating, cleanliness, and friendly staff, there are significant weaknesses that need to be addressed. These weaknesses include poorly presented menus, rushed service, inadequate portion sizes, lack of menu descriptions, overpriced items, and inconsistent food quality. Addressing these weaknesses through improvements in menu presentation, service training, portion sizes, pricing strategy, and quality control can greatly enhance the overall dining experience and customer satisfaction.

Place Pictures

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Opening Hours

Monday 11:50 AM - 11:45 PM
Thursday 11:50 AM - 11:45 PM
Friday 11:50 AM - 12:00 AM
Sunday 11:50 AM - 11:30 PM
Wednesday 11:50 AM - 11:45 PM
Tuesday 11:50 AM - 11:45 PM
Saturday 11:50 AM - 12:00 AM

How to go there
